Sound Tools for the New Era

System Requirements

  • Mac OS X 10.9
  • Intel Core i5 or equivalent
  • CPU, 4 GB RAM
  • Available Formats: Standalone, VST3 e AU
  • MultiLFO is a modulation unit that creates rhythmic patterns by combining different waveforms.

  • Mix up to 16 LFOs (3 in the demo version)

  • You can import your wavetables.
  • Interpolation between one waveform and the next.
  • Phase rotation (choose the start point of the wave).
  • Sync BPM with host or enter Hertz manually.
  • Regular, Triplet, Dotted tempo.
  • Use the output to modulate:
    • Volume
    • Filter
    • Pan
  • Dry/wet on each oscillator and on the final output.
  • You can batch import/export presets.

  • You can customize the appearance of the app by changing the color scheme (“skins”)


      Limitations of the free version:

  • Max  3 Lfos
  • Usage time limited to 20 minutes

MindEntrainer is an app for Android, Windows and Mac OSX with which you can create sound patterns for brain wave synchronization.

Three types of modules available:

    • Tone Generator
    • Noise Generator
    • Audio Player

The Tone Generator allows you to generate sinusoidal sound waves of the desired frequency (range: 30 -> 999Hz) and create binaural beats or isochronic tones with one click. The beat frequency can be set manually in Hertz or by selecting the desired range type among: infra-low, delta, theta, alpha, beta, gamma (range: 0.001 -> 70 Hz).

Use Noise Generator to create various types of noise (white, pink, brown noise). You can modulate the noise track to amplify the brain induction effect by creating isochronic pulses, clicking on the “Isochronic” button and setting the frequency. This module is equipped with its own filter (LowPass, HighPass and BandPass).

The Audio Player allows you to play audio tracks. In addition to playing the audio tracks supplied within the app, in the desktop version and in the PRO version for mobile it is possible to play and loop any audio file (wav, mp3, ogg, aiff). In this way, for example, it is possible to use your own background audio together with the binaural beats or load a file of vocal instructions that accompany the experience. Like the Noise module, this module is also equipped with its own filter (LowPass, HighPass and BandPass) .

In the desktop version and in the PRO version for mobile it is possible to manage and create preset files, import and export such files individually or in groups. This feature is particularly useful as it allows you to create your own files on desktop and send them to the mobile app.

On Android the app is available in its basic version (“Lite”) and in its “Pro” version. In the Lite version it is not possible to import, save and export presets.
The desktop version, however, is only available in the pro version and does not have a pre-established cost, you can decide the price. 

Limitations of the free mobile version:

    • It is not possible to save, import and export presets
    • Non è possibile caricare i propri file audio nel player.
MindEntrainer is an app for Android, Windows and Mac OSX with which you can create sound patterns for brain wave synchronization.

Three types of modules available:

    • Tone Generator
    • Noise Generator
    • Audio Player
The Tone Generator permette di generare onde sonore sinusoidali della frequenza desiderata (range: 30 -> 999Hz) e applicare creare con un click battimenti binaurali o toni isocronici. La frequenza del battimento può essere impostata manualmente in Hertz o selezionando il tipo di range desiderato tra: infra-low, delta, theta, alpha, beta, gamma (range: 0.001 -> 70 Hz). Usa i Noise Generator per creare vari tipi di rumore (rumore bianco, rumore rosa, brown noise). Puoi modulare la traccia del rumore per amplificare l’effetto di induzione cerebrale creando pulsazioni isocroniche, cliccando sul pulsante “Isochronic” e impostando la frequenza. Questo modulo è equipaggiato con un proprio filtro (LowPass, HighPass e BandPass). L’Audio Player allows you to play audio tracks. In addition to playing the audio tracks supplied within the app, in the desktop version and in the PRO version for mobile it is possible to play and loop any audio file (wav, mp3, ogg, aiff). In this way, for example, it is possible to use your own background audio together with the binaural beats or load a file of vocal instructions that accompany the experience. Like the Noise module, this module is also equipped with its own filter (LowPass, HighPass and BandPass) .
In the desktop version and in the PRO version for mobile it is possible to manage and create preset files, import and export such files individually or in groups. This feature is particularly useful as it allows you to create your own files on desktop and send them to the mobile app.
Su Android l’app è disponibile nella sua versione di base (“Lite”) e nella sua versione “Pro”. Nella versione Lite non è possibile importare, salvare ed esportare presets. La versione per desktop invece è disponibile solo nella versione pro e non ha un costo prestabilito, potete decidere voi il prezzo. 
Limitations of the free mobile version:
    • It is not possible to save, import and export presets
    • Non è possibile caricare i propri file audio nel player.

Available for Mac, Windows and Android

latest version: 1.0.7

The demo version allows a usage limit of 15 minutes and the use of the “meta-tuning” tool on a maximum of 5 notes.

Windows version coming soon…

Create your own Brainwave Entrainment sessions. Create and exchange sound patterns from the desktop application or your Android device. Thanks to the noise generation module you can create background textures on which to insert binaural or isochronic impulses. Also enter an audio sample if you want to enrich the experience with your own recording or a music track of your choice.

There is geometry in the hum of the strings, 

there is music in the spacing of the spheres.




MindEntrainer Pro

Android version
coming soon...

Coming soon...

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Minimum price: 0,00 

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