Sound Tools for the New Era


Tune any key as you want it​ Visualize the hidden geometry of sound Create Brainwave Entraining patterns


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The flexible synthesizer for creating custom musical scales and mathematical relationships between frequencies

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System Requirements

  • Mac OS X 10.11 / Windows 10
  • Intel Core i5 or equivalent
  • CPU, 4 GB RAM (6 GB raccomandato)
  • Available Formats: Standalone, VST3 e AU
  • Microtune up to 4 frequencies per key
  • Meta-Tuning
    • Customizable parameters for each key: volume, delay, phase, wavetable, octave, pan, fine-tuning, pitch offset, osc- to-follow, follow parameters, on-off..
  • Create, import, export, edit microtuning files (supports .tun and .scl files)
  • XY oscilloscope with automatable image controllers (scale, rotation, hue, saturation, brightness, line thickness, data size)
  • 3 Bezier ADSR
  • 4 oscillators
  • LP/HP/BP Filter
  • Reverb
  • Frequency Table Editor: equipped with frequency lists divided into categories that you can modify or expand with your own lists.
  • Frequency interconnection modules (OSC-TO-FOLLOW mode)
  • Brain synchronization tool
  • Drag and drop modulation
  • Microtune up to 4 frequencies per key
  • Meta-Tuning
    • Customizable parameters for each keyvolume, delay, phase, wavetable, octave, pan, fine-tuning, pitch offset, osc- to-follow, follow parameters, on-off..
  • Create, import, export, edit microtuning files (supports .tun and .scl files)
  • XY oscilloscope with automatable image controllers (scale, rotation, hue, saturation, brightness, line thickness, data size)
  • 3 Bezier ADSR
  • 4 oscillators
  • LP/HP/BP Filter
  • Reverb
  • Frequency Table Editor: equipped with frequency lists divided into categories that you can modify or expand with your own lists.
  • Frequency interconnection modules (OSC-TO-FOLLOW mode)
  • Brain synchronization tool
  • Drag and drop modulation

Each purchased license grants access to the software on up to 3 authorized machines, ensuring that it can be used simultaneously by a maximum of 3 users.

Limitations of the free version:

  • Meta-Tuning applicabile to a maximum of 5 keys
  • Usage time limited to 15 minutes
  • Microtune up to 4 frequencies per key
  • Meta-Tuning
    • Customizable parameters for each keyvolume, delay, phase, wavetable, octave, pan, fine-tuning, pitch offset, osc- to-follow, follow parameters, on-off..
  • Create, import, export, edit microtuning files (supports .tun and .scl files)
  • XY oscilloscope with automatable image controllers (scale, rotation, hue, saturation, brightness, line thickness, data size)
  • 3 Bezier ADSR
  • 4 oscillators
  • LP/HP/BP Filter
  • Reverb
  • Frequency Table Editor: equipped with frequency lists divided into categories that you can modify or expand with your own lists.
  • Frequency interconnection modules (OSC-TO-FOLLOW mode)
  • Brain synchronization tool
  • Drag and drop modulation

Each purchased license grants access to the software on up to 3 authorized machines, ensuring that it can be used simultaneously by a maximum of 3 users.
Limitations of the free version:
  • Meta-Tuning applicabile to a maximum of 5 keys
  • Usage time limited to 15 minutes

Available for Mac and Windows

latest version: 1.0.7

The demo version allows a usage limit of 15 minutes and the use of the “meta-tuning” tool on a maximum of 5 notes.

Windows version coming soon…

Sonicrama is not your usual synthesizer. With its unique meta-tuning approach you can create custom musical scales by assigning up to 4 different frequencies and other parameters to any key directly within the synthesizer itself, without the need to import micro-tonal scales created with external software. This allows you to create truly unique musical scales by acting on parameters that are usually inaccessible in the creation of a micro-tonal scale, such as amplitude, delay, phase, file and position of the wavetable used, octave, pan, fine-tuning, pitch offset. A peculiarity of the synthesizer is the interconnectivity between the frequencies of the oscillators. Through the panel entitled "FOLLOW" you can create mathematical relationships between the frequencies of the four oscillators, use mathematical operators or binaural beats.

Sonicrama supports microtonal files with .tun and .scl extensions. The internal editor allows you to edit microtonal files with ease and export them, using them on other synthesizers that support them.

Meta Tuning


Unlike the "classic" micro-intonation, Sonicrama provides something more. Normally a micro-pitch file is a list of frequencies that are assigned to each individual key. On Sonicrama you can instead choose up to 4 different frequencies to assign to each note making the tone richer and more dynamic and customize not only the frequencies but every other parameter of each oscillator!

This new approach deserved a name and was baptized “Meta-Tuning”.

sound and geometry

Cymatics is the study of how sound waves create visual patterns, often reminiscent of  sacred geometry  or some stunning Islamic decorations, through the fusion of multiple oscillatory movements. In these patterns we can observe the harmony or chaos of the frequencies involved as a whole, intervening on the sound to modify or create particular visual patterns.

Equipped with color correction tools and with its detachable and video-projectable screen, Sonicrama can be used in audio-visual performances or "simply" to investigate the correlation between sound and geometry. The relationship between mathematics, sound and geometry becomes clearer and more accessible thanks to the calculation tools available on each of the oscillators.


“Brainwave-entrainment” is the study and use of sound or visual stimuli to influence the electrophysiological activity of the brain, in order to induce specific mental states or experiences. The creation of such stimuli is extremely easy with Sonicrama, either by manually setting the desired parameters or by using the specific module called "BWE", present on each of the 4 oscillators. In this way it is possible to create binaural beats, isochronic tones on any key/note or base the entire tuning on particular desired effects.



The oscilloscope is separable into an independent window that you can drag to other screens, set to full screen and video project. Ideal for audio-visual performances and live shows.

In order to allow accurate image rendering, the synthesizer incorporates some color correction, rotation and scaling parameters that generally do not appear in a musical instrument. The button at the top of the oscillator allows you to switch between the two-axis Cartesian (XY) and linear display modes. The images displayed on the oscilloscope can be saved as image files by clicking on the “SNAPSHOT” button, located under the oscilloscope…

In XY mode it is possible to observe the formation of Lissajous curves , very similar to the drawings traced by a harmonograph.


Each oscillator generates sounds from specific “wavetables” (audio files containing different waveforms), mixing the waveforms when switching between them, creating new intermediate waveforms. In this way it is possible to have a vast variety of timbres, which can also be extended at will by having the possibility of importing other wavetables into the program (you can find thousands of them on the Internet).

Obviously each sound wave creates a different image on the oscilloscope, which makes dangerously vast the audio-visual exploration environment…


Follow Panel

Interconnect sound frequencies

Sonicrama's 4 oscillators offer numerous possibilities for creating complex and intricate soundscapes. Sound is intimately connected with mathematics, even if musical instruments normally offer few opportunities to exploit this correlation in a simple and creative way. The “FOLLOW” panel serves precisely this purpose: to offer intuitively accessible calculation tools. Here you can connect the frequencies of the oscillators to each other using  math opearators and  ratios ,

Se sei un musicista/compositore interessato a scoprire o sfruttare le correlazioni tra suono e matematica o tra suono e immagine allora questo software fa per te. Se cerchi uno strumento che ti lasci la libertà di creare la tua scala musicale, di calibrare le proprietà sonore 

There is geometry in the hum of the strings, 

there is music in the spacing of the spheres.

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